View the Code!

Created in 2016 for the Interactive Media Arts course.

This shows the landing page of the project

This was my first real website where it showcased alot of the skills that I learned from making previous websites, like tables, using divs and CSS stylings. The navigation at the top has rollover effects that change the colour of the icon. I then put a width on every div while I floated each div there after.

This shows the bottom of the landing page

In the footer I have the navigation links off to the left, the copyright in the middle and to the right i have icons that link of to their designated website.

This shows the table that was created

I had to use alot of styling to get this table the way I wanted it. For the outer table cells I added a border around the td then applied to the corresponding td's a border: none;. I also applied a background-color to the second column as well as changing the text colour to black from the blue. For the prices that are at the bottom of the table I created each different sizd text into a div then styled it to make it look like it shows in the image.

This shows another page for the website

I put a width on every div while I floated each div there after.

This is the contact page

For the form I created each input with the same background-color and same text styling. Then for the quotations I did the same thing I did for the prices in the table above.